Rush R30 Overture (for Neil Peart) - performed by Turin

3 years ago

Neil Peart passed away almost a year already so I wanted to say a proper good-bye to my hero.
Performed drums, bass and guitar by myself, Turin Reza.
I learned a lot about how the drums and bass work together and even in recording the drums first I had the guitar and bass in my head.
It was a learning experience and I wonder if Neil Peart dealt with similar issues.

For those interested.
I use Garageband since it's free.

For Alex Lifeson guitar I modified the Garageband Vintage British stack amp that is based on Marshalls and has two phasers. I modified it and removed one of the phasers. For delay in parts of the song I use a Amazon Basics physical delay pedal by Donner ($35 ish).

For Geddy's bass I use a Garageband Classic Amp.
I used an Apogee One to bring in the guitar and bass into Garageband.

For Neil 's drums I do not use Midi, but the sounds that come with the Alesis DM10 electronic drums and got them to sound as close as possible to what I wanted. Ran straight into Garageband on a
macbook headphone port.

I used the free version of VSDC software to make the video.
R30 took a lot of work using wave EQs in the daw to make it sound good.

Read my new eBook
"Don't Get Horked by the End Times : The Final Application of the AntiChrist Mechanism"

The Discovery of Satan's Strategy called the AntiChrist Mechanism has unlocked the secrets of the Bible from the Identity of Lucifer, the identify of the wife of Noah and Apollo's assault on the Garden of Eden. The Book of Revelations has been unsealed and the proper time line has been determined. The Book of Revelations reads like a war story. The movement of troops and the cutoff of their supplies of both Satan and Jesus are exposed as the War in Heaven begins. This book promises to inform you about when the AntiChrist arrives and when the rapture occurs so that you won't be "horked" out of your salvation. Did you know superheroes, the New World Order, the Golden Age and Order out of Chaos are in the Bible? The details of the Great Deception are unraveled as Apollo once again wants to conquer the Throne of God in Heaven.

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