High Protein-Low Carb Diet Day 1

2 years ago

I am starting a fitness journey along with my lifetime commitment on doing low carb diet.

Since I want to lose huge fat at the moment, I'm doing high protein-low carb. I am not a doctor or an expert but I thought taking in high protein give me energy especially when I am detaching myself out of carb food since I am really sensitive with carbs or craving for it. I am lowering my carb as we all know it's not good for our body especially my body.

Actually in the past, I successfully loss fat and weight in only 3mos from 85kg to 40-45kg with doing the same diet plan, the exercise is doing cardio 4 hours a day, 30mins walk and 3.5hrs running and 1 hour home full body workouts then I eat any food but LOW to NO CARBS for WEEKDAYS and I eat any type of food on weekends.

I don't count any calories intake as when I am in low carb, my body automatically rejects too much food I take and kills my craving 100% which is why it's basically easy to do the diet even more or it's sustainable in the long run.


Apparently, I have several goals/commitments:

1) To lose fat obviously. From whatever weight I am in today back to 45kg, I believe I am 65kg now though and checked BMR 1.3k something, so I need to limit like probably half of that if I can. I'm not sure what my weight nowadays but my picture would probably just do the judging. I will post a Photo of my Whole Body on a Monthly Basis on my https://instagram.com/mauamolat

Here's my Day 1 pics by the way https://www.instagram.com/p/CiClyCKOMjF/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

2) I want to do OMAD (One Meal A Day). This is not just about diet. I want to cut off the time of my cooking and save money for the 3 times or so a day meals which fortunately contributes to my calorie deficit hopefully. I have no specific time yet when to eat but I'd probably do it at dinner time as I usually wake up late and sleep late so doing it on dinner might be the ideal time for me plus the family only see each other at dinner so it's a good schedule to not skip the gathering just because of the commitment.

3) I want to commit into eating low carb or 5% carbs of my whole meal (or 5-25g max.) in general, daily. This also contributes to my skincare. I have noticed that when I get fat or eat carbs too much, I get acne and oily face, while when I do the diet in the past, never had issues with my skin problems.

4) Maintain 40-50kg weight or whatever is ideal based on my age and height.

5) Weekday low carb and Weekdays/Occassions is my Cheat Days, meaning I can eat Carbs on weekends (but should not do beyond 2 consecutive days) in case it happen that there's an occassion on Monday or Friday.

Will probably add more goals/commitment soon... I accept any suggestion for a clean or healthy diet. Thanks in advance!


Based on my Goals/Commitment, doing High Protein-Low Carb diet should do the trick. And adding up some cardio to help with toning my body then just optimzing the diet overtime what benefit myself the most.

Anyone can share or suggest a damn simple OMAD 1-2 meals alternate that I can just get anywhere?

Here's my meal plan in mind:

*2-4 eggs daily
*2 sliced of meat either pork, chicken or fish
*Green leaf veggies drink/capsules (food supplement since I don't eat much of it)
*If there's any available veggies, will add as fillers
*Avocado if available
*Multivitamins after meal (Berocca)
*Water with Lemons? Is this fine for an acidic body? And what do you guys think of 8 glasses a day of water? Is that a myth or good? Any suggestions for the water intake?

I already knocked down my cgar last 6mos ago, so now, I want to slower down my coffee intake as I do 5-8 glass of coffee daily until last month, apparently I am doing coffee only once a day if I ever need it. I already limited off my sodas and juices in 2015 along with my rice but unfortunately I began to take overloaded carbs in my meals again since 2018 which is why I gain back my fat a** body back and I want to better myself once again and just feel healthy.

So if you haven't already, please subscribe!

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert or a food doctor. I am only sharing my real life experience and experiments based on what I believe works. Please do your own research or seek a doctor before doing things like I do.

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