Bombshell Emails Reveal Biden’s DHS Still Knowingly Releasing COVID-Positive Border Crossers in...

2 years ago

Bombshell Emails Reveal Biden’s DHS Still Knowingly Releasing COVID-Positive Border Crossers into U.S.

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Internal emails at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), exclusively reviewed by Breitbart News, reveal that the agency is continuing to knowingly release COVID-positive border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States. More than a year after Biden’s DHS was first accused of releasing COVID-positive border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior as part of its expansive catch and release operation, the agency is still knowingly carrying out such releases. The internal emails among Border Patrol (BP) officials reveal recent instances where border crossers and illegal aliens were tested for the Chinese coronavirus and, after having tested...

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