圣经全部是上帝启示的(WarningThePeople)ALL Scripture Given by Inspiration of GOD

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/O7SVJ6lyLRA

2022年9月3日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

油管频道Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople



使徒保罗在提摩太后书三章16-17里写到,圣经全部是上帝启示的,有益于教导、督责、使人归正、培养人行义, 使属上帝的人得到充分的装备,去行各种善事。

ALL Scripture Given by Inspiration of GOD
The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy chapter 3:16-17; “ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The problem is, money preachers and Christians want to fit the Bible to their OWN doctrines, and so they “cherry pick” verses to prove that you need to pay tithe to THEIR church, you need to elevate THEIR pastor as a GOOD Teacher, and the are hypocrites, because take for example their teaching on tithing. The pastor will say; “We don’t believe in the Old Testament commands, we believe in the NEW Covenant.” But when it comes to tithing to THEIR church, they pull and OLD Testament command out which is to tithe. (O.T. Malachi 3:10) And they manipulate their flock, they “fleece the flock” in order to bring money into their church, to pay their lavish bills. They are corrupt, but they don’t take into the consideration ALL the Scriptures, they don’t take into consideration JESUS WORDS, making HIM your ONLY Teacher, (Matt 23:8-10). They say to make the pastor your teacher. They also do MANY other things like this that bring corruption into the Body of Christ. Instead of receiving ALL of the words that Jesus spoke, they pick the ones that THEY WANT to fit THEIR lifestyle and THEIR understanding. But if we truly are in submission to the Holy Spirit, then ANY Scripture that the Holy Spirit speaks into our life we WILL RECEIVE! But any scripture that the DEVIL is speaking, (and the devil also picks up the bible, and reads it to manipulate) we will immediately REJECT! the issue is MANY CHRISTIANS ARE LISTENING TO SATAN SPEAK THE SCRIPTURES, but they are NOT listening to the inspired Scriptures that are being spoken to them by the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! Do you have the Holy Spirit and are you allowing ALL the Scriptures that GOD speaks to change you? Is the Holy Spirit changing you and molding you to HIS image, because you are His child and you are His sheep? Or are you like the Christians who manipulate the bible for their OWN purpose, who fleece the flock, and who could care less about the Holy Spirit and what the True Gospel REALLY is? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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