Ep. 46 Texans for Vaccine Choice

2 years ago

We have Carrie Bigford on The Muckrakers Podcast discussing your right to vaccine choice. What is vaccine choice? It is your choice to whether you can have something injected into your body or not. More importantly, as a parent, you are responsible for your children’s choices as well.
Texans for Vaccine Choice focuses on Protecting Your Right to Choose. Advances in modern medicine, including vaccines, have touched the life of nearly every person on the planet. Communicable diseases have had a tremendous impact on human history. While vaccines have received the credit for reducing the threat of communicable disease, they, like all medical interventions, carry a risk of injury. Texans for Vaccine Choice exists to protect and advance informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice.
Learn more about staying informed! https://texansforvaccinechoice.com/
Contact Carrie Bigford here: HoustonROC@TexansForVaccineChoice.com
Support their work! https://texansforvaccinechoice.com/donate/
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