Elegantly Supercharge Your Water With Analemma (Beyond Structuring & Vortexing) | Mario Brainovic

1 year ago

Structured water, vortexed water, EZ water, H2 water, and spring water. All healing waters share coherent properties. Analemma is one of the most powerful devices to transform "chaotic" water into coherent water.

📕  Video chapters
0:00 Introduction
1:00 Human body is 70% water by mass, 99 out of 100 molecules are water
2:20 Mario's morning routine
3:41 New paradigm of water science
5:44 Tap water vs coherent water
6:00 Coherent water leads to greater cellular energy
7:00 How water acts as an information transmitter
7:47 Analemma's "Mother Water"
9:18 What makes Analemma's wand the ultimate water upgrade
10:49 Essential (overlooked) step for anyone using reverse osmosis water filtration technology
11:21 Using Analemma in other liquids
11:53 How modernity "kills" water
12:19 Analemma prevents water from becoming "chaotic"
14:59 Three months of Analemma use reverses biological age up to 12 years
15:34 Analemma's microbiome benefits (double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, randomized study)
16:43 Analemma instantly improves cognition (double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, randomized study)
16:54 Facilitates communication between brain hemispheres
17:33 Significance of Analemma increasing energy (ATP)
19:12 What kind of water does Mario & Team Analemma consume?
20:02 Analemma works great even with unfiltered tap water
20:36 How to optimally use Analemma water devices
22:15 Potential self-quantification validation experiments to try
22:57 Analemma and biophotons
23:45 Why plant and animal experiments help rule out placebo
24:25 Real-world Analemma experiences, use cases, & reviews
27:05 How nn-EMFs impact the state of water
27:51 Water's innate intelligence
28:22 Link between structured water and disease
29:11 Mother Water explained
32:17 Hack to be most efficient with Analemma usage
33:25 Influence of Dr. Emoto's work
34:31 Profound impact of your biowater on self and others
36:45 Marriage of science and spirituality
37:26 Power of the heart vs brain
38:06 Dr. Pollack's research on structured water
39:00 Viktor Schauberger's pioneering work
41:34 Analemma code URBAN saves 10%
43:49 Mohan Ji
45:23 Byron Katie's work
48:20 How you influence everything around you

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📝 About our guest
Mario has been working in the field of health and wellness for the last 15 years. He was the CEO of various companies and led the development of extraordinary new technologies aimed at revolutionizing the ways we maintain our health. His life mission is to serve the highest good of every living being on this planet.

🔑 Key takeaways
- Water is a broadband absorber, receiver, and transmitter of energy
- The water you consume can either deplete or nourish you
- Non-native EMFs are the #1 thing that brings water into more chaos
- Heart is 1000X more powerful electromagnetic transmitter than brain
- You have extraordinary influence on everything around you, all mediated through water

🔗 Links
- Full episode show notes: https://mindbodypeak.com/65
- Music by Luke Hall: soundcloud.com/c_luke_hall

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