R1,3 Butanediol Hard Ketones Alcohol, KetoneAid Ester for Sports & Brain Performance | Frank Llosa

2 years ago

An alternative to alcohol that gives you a buzz and supports your health and performance?

This drink is the secret weapon of Tour de France athletes, NASA, Olympians, Fortune 100 CEOs, neuroscientists, and other high-achievers.

Your answer might be called exogenous ketones. Ketone esters for performance, and R1,3 Butanediol (AKA Hard Ketones) for social confidence, relaxation, mood, and mental clarity.

📕  Video chapters
0:00 Introduction
2:12 Ketone esters used to cost $5,000+
4:11 Why the keto diet became popular
8:00 C8 MCT oil vs ketone esters
10:55 Salt alleviates "keto flu" symptoms while transitioning
14:20 Only blood testing (not breath or urine) works for exogenous ketone products
14:45 Blood ketone levels don't matter
16:27 Why ketone esters have been so expensive
16:49 Legal loophole used to label ketone salt "Made in USA"
17:19 R1,3 Butanediol incredibly promising with notable side effect
17:45 Hard Ketones for a buzz without toxicity
20:14 Why alcohol (ethanol) causes a hangover and "red facial glow"
21:43 Oura Ring data: Ethanol vs R1,3 Butanediol
28:25 What the Hard Ketones buzz feels like
30:39 Ethanol decreases brain function, R1,3 has nootropic cognitive enhancing effect
31:10 The "Brain Energy Gap" theory, Ketones, TBI
36:22 KetoneAid supplied 80% of Tour de France teams with esters
37:26 Ketone esters can dramatically lower blood sugar
39:00 Using ketones to quit caffeine and reset tolerance
41:27 How to use ketones for athletes
42:38 Problem with "duel fuel" combining ketones and carbs
44:34 Situations in which ketone products work best
45:41 People reporting 30 minutes more deep sleep from using ketone ester
48:36 How to identify and buy great ketone boosting products (MCT oil ketone salts, ketone esters)
50:00 Avoid ketone salt products that contain caffeine
50:33 Racemic ketones are poorly absorbed (waste of money)
51:36 Ketone salts have extremely high salt load and can skew electrolyte balance
54:31 Natural vs fermented vs racemic ketones
57:23 Hacks to get better effects from exogenous ketone products
58:34 Does the brain really prefer ketones or glucose?
60:00 Ketones amplify the effects of medicines, supplements, and nootropics
61:00 KetoneAid's Snakewater nootropic pre-workout supplement
62:27 Slow carbs can augment ketones for endurance sports

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📝 About our guest
Frank Llosa is a serial entrepreneur with successes across industries, including real estate, photography featured in National Geographic, and pre-dot com startups. After extensive research, 6 years ago Frank founded KetoneAid — the World's 1st Ketone Ester. KetoneAid has supplied 80% of the Tour de France teams. Since starting, he’s worked tirelessly to spread information, bust myths, and bring cutting-edge performance supplements to the masses. He sets the bar for affordable quality. In late 2021, he launched Hard Ketones — The World's First Ketogenic and Ethanol-Free Alcohol. Redefining alcohol and shaping the future of the beverage industry.

⚠️ Unfortunately my video feed didn't record, but you'll see Frank throughout

🔑 Key takeaways
- KetoneAid & Frank Llosa are bringing light to the shady and deceptive marketing practices of the ketone esters/salts industry
- Quantify the effect of your ketone esters or R1,3 with the Oura Ring
- The cost of ketone esters has fallen from $25,000 per bottle to less than $30
- Most to least effective at increasing blood ketone levels: ketones esters, ketone salts, C8 MCT, MCT, coconut oil
- R1,3 Butanediol is an effective alternative to (ethanol) alcohol that gives you a buzz, supports optimal health, all without a hangover

🔗 Links
- Full episode show notes: https://mindbodypeak.com/43
- Music by Luke Hall: soundcloud.com/c_luke_hall

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