President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey. 2019 Butter! ;)

2 years ago

President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey... 2019. Re-Upload? Not sure if uploaded the 720x1280 video or the smaller one. So, re-upload it is. ;)

#AdamSchiff Piece O' Shite Schiff
The Truth About January 6th Documentary
Bill Gates Encouraged Trump Not to Investigate Vaccine Safety
Dr. Bryan Ardis - Four Key Supplements Discovered to Neutralize COVID-19 Venom Protein
You know why the "Globe Earth" SOOO FAT? From All of The LIES!, LIES!! and more LIES!!! they Pump into it. You know it!!!!! ;)
Your Not Supposed To Know This Either...

Good part starts at 8:58 in. Just watch the whole thing people. IT IS GREAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!
And these are too.
Flat Earth Clues Interview 49 - Flat Earth UK via Skype Video - Mark Sargent
Flat Plane Earth - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay

You can call it "A Wall-Martz", but DO NOT call it... a VACCINE.

#ComeTumblingDownWithThe #InsertWhateverYouWantHere #Vaccine #AntarticaHasTheRealWall #WhatDidYouEverReallyLearnInSchool #FlatEarth #HollowEarth

My YouTube Channel.

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