Ceiling Cleaning LIFEHACK! #Lifehack #LikeeSpringCleaning #cleaninghacks

1 year ago

1. Use a pillowcase

A pillowcase is a great way to clean a ceiling fan. You simply need to take off the pillowcase and put it over the fan blades. Then turn the fan on and let it run while you gently shake the pillowcase back and forth. After about 10 minutes, the fan should be completely cleaned.

2. Use a dry towel

You can use a dry towel instead of a pillowcase if you don't have any pillowcases lying around. Simply place the towel over the fan blades and then turn the fan on. Let the fan run for about 15-20 minutes and then remove the towel.

3. Clean the fan motor

If you want to clean the fan motor, you can do so using a toothbrush. Brush the inside of the fan motor and make sure to get rid of any dirt build up.

4. Use a vacuum cleaner

If you're not comfortable cleaning the fan yourself, you can always use a vacuum cleaner. Place the fan upside down and plug it in. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and let it run until the fan is completely clean.

5. Use a wet rag

Another option would be to use a wet rag. Just wipe away the dirt and grime from the fan blades.

6. Use a hair dryer

Use a hair dryer to blow air onto the fan blades. Blow the air directly at the fan blades and watch them spin.

7. Use a broom

Brooms are great tools for cleaning ceilings fans. Sweep the dirt and debris out of the fan blades.

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