Serena Williams is not the goat!!!

1 year ago
While Serena Williams is undeniably an extremely talented tennis player her status as "greatest of all time" is misplaced. She’s benefiting from a time where your race and identity are factored into your status among the greats. Being considered the GOAT should be attributed to those whose stats match the title.Alex Jones responds to Leftist attempts to blame calls for violence on him with video proof of Dems openly invoking violent rhetoric.Whatever happened to the good old days when comedy was actually FUNNY and not just political indoctrination? This week on the Glenn Beck Podcast I sit down with one of the few comedy legends left who hasn't traded laughs for lectures. But that doesn't mean he stays silent on the issues that truly matter. Former Saturday Night Live star Rob Schneider joins me to break down what has changed in the world of comedy including the moment he knew SNL was "over"...BREAKING: Matt Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden's Laptop Into the Congressional Record When Crowder does a "Change My Mind " people who engage are mostly cordial. But every so often we get a real douchelord. Meet Steven Monacelli. liberalmedia girlssports changemymind  Come See StandupTwo years after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic Glenn sits down with one of the biggest victims of the other pandemic it ushered in: censorship. Dr. Robert Malone invented the original mRNA vaccine technology in 1987 when he was a 28-year-old graduate student. As a high-level scientist

While Serena Williams is undeniably an extremely talented tennis player, her status as "greatest of all time" is misplaced. She’s benefiting from a time where your race and identity are factored into your status among the greats. Being considered the GOAT should be attributed to those whose stats match the title.

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