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Lifehack: stop bug bites from itching! #Trysomethingnew #Lifehacks #Likeelifehack

2 years ago

1. Bug Bites

Bug bites are caused by insects, spiders, mites, ticks, and fleas. These creatures cause irritation and inflammation to the skin. In order to relieve the itchiness, use a natural remedy. Mix equal parts baking soda and water together. Apply the mixture directly onto the bite area. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat this process until the itchiness subsides.

2. Stop Bug Bites From Itching

To prevent bug bites from itching, apply ice packs to the affected area. Ice packs cool the body down, which helps reduce swelling and inflammation. You can also put some aloe vera gel on the spot to help calm the pain.

3. Lifehack: Stop Bug Bites From Spreading

If you notice that the bug bite is spreading, then you should immediately wash the area with soap and water. If you don't want to use soap, then you can try using rubbing alcohol instead. Rubbing alcohol kills bacteria and viruses, which prevents infection.

4. Lifehack: Get Rid Of Bug Bites Fast

You can also get rid of bug bites fast by applying lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which is an antiseptic agent that kills germs and bacteria. To make the solution, mix 1/3 cup of lemon juice with 2 cups of water. Dip a cotton ball in the solution and place it over the infected area. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and rinse off.

5. Lifehack: Prevent Bug Bites

Insect repellents work by blocking the nerve signals that tell the insect's brain that they are being bitten. There are two types of insect repellents: DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) and picaridin. Both have been proven effective at preventing mosquito bites. However, both products carry risks including allergic reactions and liver damage. Read labels carefully and follow directions.


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