Do you take off your mascara EVERY time? #didyouknow #Majorfail #DontDoThat

2 years ago

1. Mascara

Mascara is a product that is applied to eyelashes to make them look longer, thicker, and darker. There are many different types of mascaras out there, including waterproof, water-resistant, and even oil-based. However, none of these products are good for your skin. When you apply mascara to your eyes, you’re actually applying it to your skin. And while some people may think that they don’t need to remove their mascara after each use, doing so is actually bad for your skin.

2. Did You Know?

Did you know that mascara contains chemicals called quinones? These chemicals have been linked to cancer and other serious health problems.

3. Major Fail!

Don’t do what I did! If you want to avoid damaging your skin, you should always remove your makeup before going to bed.

4. Don’t Do That!

If you really want to keep your skin safe, then you shouldn’t wear any makeup at all. But if you absolutely have to wear makeup, then you should definitely wash it off before going to sleep.

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