Running For The People! Senate 18!

2 years ago

Todays Episode is with Alex Galicia

Alex Galicia:
I was born in Los Angeles but grew up between LA, San Diego and Tijuana as a result of my
parents separation and eventual reconciliation. I graduated from Montgomery High School in San
Diego in June, 1985.
I am both a veteran of both the US Navy and the US Army. I enlisted in the Navy directly out of
high school, I attended boot camp and my initial school at Recruit Training Command at the old
Naval Training Center, San Diego. I received an early honorable discharge. I was accepted and
enrolled at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In 1992, I was awarded a
Bachelor's degree in Linguistics. I was the first person in my family to both serve in the military
as well as to attend and complete college. After college, I returned to the military as a Citizen
Soldier. I enlisted in the Army National Guard (California) where I served as a combat medic at
a Field Artillery Unit. I attended and successfully completed Officer Candidate School (OCS)
after which I trained as a Transportation Officer and eventually transitioned (per the career path)
to become a Multifunctional Logistician. I have 3 overseas tours including Operation Iraqi
Freedom, Operation New Horizons (Nicaragua) and Operation Rapid Trident (Ukraine). I also
served on the US-Mexico border (San Diego and Imperial Counties) as Safety and Environmental
Officer for Operation Jump Start, when the National Guard was ordered to support the US Border
Patrol from 2006 to 2008. In 2017 I retired as a Major having completed 24 years of service.
During college, I was trained as a student travel agent. This particular job eventually led me into
the field of tourism and air transportation both in the military as well as a civilian. I worked at 2
travel agencies, one at UCLA the other at UCSD. I also worked for 3 airlines, the vast majority
of the time at United Airlines. My airline specialty was both in automation (where I won several
sales awards), airport operations (where I oversaw both domestic and international terminals at
LAX) and as an international sales planner at United's World Headquarters in Chicago, IL. In
2010, I received an early retirement from United.
Since 2006, I have owned and operated my old family business, BPI Plumbing (formerly Benny
Plumbing) out of South Bay (having moved our office between Imperial Beach, Nestor, Chula
Vista and Bonita). During this time, I have devoted time to assisting fellow service disabled
veterans transition to civilian life, while battling both physical and psychological
disabilities. While I have focused on the pathway to business ownership, my journey helping
veterans has also involved mentoring those who simply want to enter the work force. I have
also worked with local schools and training institutes to promote the skilled trades to at
risk youth. My focus on service disabled veterans and at risk youth has been natural. At different
times in my life, I have been both.
I currently live in the Otay Ranch area of Chula Vista with my wife Luz Mireya.

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DWsViewStandUp is also sponsored by American Patriot Mike Lindell of “MyPillow” – the Promo Code is “Standup” Call: 1 800-645-6436

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