Behind The Scenes with Michael Rood - PART 1 | Shabbat Night Live

2 years ago

This special, two-part series presents, for the first time, the raw footage of the interview Michael Rood did with Luke and Kayte Abaffy for their ground breaking documentary, The Way — this is a special, two-episode series that gives you a real-life glimpse of the man behind the ministry! You’ll hear Michael talk about his re-bound (and re-bound again) favorite Bible, why he chose ministry full-time, and witness off-screen conversations that reveal the “real Michael” only the Rood Crew gets to see.

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18:00 Dedication to serving YeHoVaH
21:00 Fiddler on the Roof
25:00 Politicization of military
29:00 Phariseeism
33:00 Paul’s admonitions
38:00 Modern Jewish calendar
42:00 Biblical miracles
44:00 Yeshua’s sword
49:00 Divinity degrees
55:00 Divisions in modern Judaism

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