俄乌战争的第155天,耶稣对我说...(Anzhelika from Ukraine )155 day of the war, Jesus Speaks

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/hsTRL5KjPGM

2022年9月1日 Originally posted by Sister Anzhelika
ИИСУС - живой Бог! Анжелика Бомбушкар

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnzhelikaWatson

来自 乌克兰Anzhelika 姐妹的见证

我有许多的见证,都是关于耶稣是活着的上帝。他能说话,他也能听。在战争进行到第155天,早上的空袭警报响起来,凌晨四点响了几分钟,五点又响了几分钟。于是我起床祷告,过了几个小时后,看了一下新闻。应该是过了三个小时,我看到了令我震惊的消息,新闻说: 事实证明,共有25枚导弹从白俄罗斯境内射向了乌克兰北部,正是我们居住的街区,这一切都是事先部署好的,实际上就是每两分钟就有一枚导弹飞来,我并不是被这些导弹吓到了,而是非常惊讶,就是在每两分钟发射一枚炮弹来,总共发射了25枚的时间,我起床祷告,非常清楚的听到了一个声音,是圣灵的声音,对我说:“为攻击你而造的兵器必不能奏效。” 这个声音非常的清晰、响亮、非常明确,就像有人在我耳边说话那样。没有任何武器会奏效。我心里非常明白,在当下的情况中,圣灵对我说的意思是指的那些现实的武器:子弹,炮弹,炸弹,那些可以杀死人,伤害人,给人造成疼痛、痛苦和死亡的东西。
主耶稣以超自然的能力来坚固我、鼓励我。而这也证明了耶稣指着圣灵说的话: 圣灵会把有关将来的事告诉你们。(约16:13b)

155 day of the war. Jesus Speaks.
If we walk with Jesus, we always have testimony of a living relationship with the Living God. And my testimonies, they are that Jesus Christ is the Living God, that He Speaks, that He Hears. I want to remember the 155th day of the war, when air raid alerts sounded in the morning, sirens at 4 am with minutes and at 5 am with minutes. I got up and prayed, then I watched the news, literally a couple of hours later, maybe three hours later. And I saw information that shocked me. I saw that, it turns out, 25 rockets were fired from the territory of Belarus in our area, where we live. And even there was a scheme. Literally every two minutes a projectile flew out. I won’t say that I was scared, but I was very surprised that in some small area just in the morning, literally every two minutes, a shell had to be fired. And there were 25 of them. When I stood up for prayer, I heard very clearly and distinctly a Voice, the Voice of the Holy Spirit, that Said, "No weapon that is used against you will be successful." It was clear, it was loud, clear, as someone spoke into my right ear. NO WEAPON! WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL! And I understood that in this context of what I heard from the Lord, He had in mind precisely weapons: bullets, shells, bombs, things that can kill, injure, cause pain, suffering, death. The Lord Jesus supernaturally Strengthened and Encouraged me. And this confirms what Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would announce the future. Isn't this an announcement of the future, that where I am, if I am in the Perfect Will of Jesus, no weapon that will be used against me will be successful? We must hear Jesus, we must know His Voice. Only then, just like me, after what I heard, I really gained incredible confidence, firmness, even more comfort, even more peace in my heart from what Jesus Said to me, because the Words of Jesus are not the words of what a person, no matter how famous or celebrated he is. These are the Words of the Living God to His child, this is a consolation, this is an encouragement during the war. I will repeat again and again that the Lord Jesus is ALIVE, He Speaks to His sheep, and they hear Him and know His Voice.

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