Cathy Wilfong and Cindy Bridges on witnessing a UFO landing in Greenfield, Indiana, November 8, 1978

1 year ago

"On November 8,1978, Mrs. Cathy
Wilfong and her sister Mrs. Cindy
Bridges viewed a UFO near Greenfield,
Indiana. You could say they had very
good proof that they did see something
unidentified by the large imprint, about
140 feet long, that was left in their
soybean field in the back of their home.
It was around
PM when Cindy
went out to get some firewood, when
she noticed a big fiery light coming
•down towards the soybean field. When
she went to investigate what the object
was, she became frightened and started
screaming for Cathy to come out and
look at this thing that was coming down
towards the field. Cathy knew
something was wrong when she heard
the screaming and her dog, Babe,
barking wildly. When she saw the
object coming down she couldn't
believe it.
Although frightened, Cathy ran to
the garage to get her camera. When she
couldn't find her camera she ran into
the house petrified. At this time Cindy
was in the camper watching the object
from the inside. She stayed in the
camper for an estimated time of 4
minutes. When she noticed Cathy
running into the house she decided she
had better go into the house too.
After calling the Sheriff's
Department, Cathy then called her
mother who lives 6 miles away from the
Wilfong residence; she came
immediately and saw the lights of the
UFO as it departed. (She watched
these lights as she drove towards their
house, and first saw them from 4 to 5
miles away as she approached on state
road 209.)
The Wilfong's live 8 miles from the
Sheriffs office, but it took them at least
30 minutes to get to the house from the
time Cathy called.
Upon the Deputy's arrival they
informed Cathy that what they had
seen was a "helicopter." This so-called
"helicopter" made no sound
whatsoever, had no propeller so it just
naturally threw no propwash, did not
have any night flying navigational
beacon as required by FAA regulations,
and was 120 to 140 feet long!
As described by the witnesses, the
UFO was oblong, very, very huge with a
kind of greenish-dray color. (See
sketch.) It had three lights, one red and
two white. The UFO did not have any
sound, and it moved flying sideways
behind the barn and then took off flying
Cathy stated, "the thing moved
like it was in slow motion. It was very
huge with three lights. There was some
kind of circle in the middle of the
bottom or underneath side. The whole
time we watched this object, we could
only see the bottom side." The
estimated time they viewed the object
was 40 minutes.
This UFO incident attracted the
attention of the Center for UFO
Studies in Evanston, Illinois. They sent
out one of their investigators, Allan
Hendry, who is the top field investigator
for the Center. Hendry stated, "This
sighting was one of the two most
significant sightings the Center has
examined in 1978. Due to the fact that
this sighting was at such a close range
by two credible witnesses and also due
to the physical evidence the UFO left,
which was the impression in their
soybean field." Hendry went on to
state, "The impression left in the field is
similar to 'Saucer Nests' found and
reported in Australia and elsewhere in
the World, also indicated the UFO
never did touch the ground." The stems
in the bean field were not uprooted at
all, and the stems were intertwined and
matted together.
The case also was investigated by
MUFON Field Investigator, Arthur
Morros of Zionsville, Indiana."
MUFON UFO Journal, December 1979 - Indiana sightings, page 3:
"UFO in Greenfield"
WTTV Channel 4.
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