2 years ago

Experience deep and glorious truths hidden in God's Word―from Genesis to Revelation―as if you were actually there?! Longtime pastor, media personality, and internationally acclaimed bestselling author Carl Gallups shares amazing insights into the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, and more in this fascinating interview!

“The Glimpses of Glory Giveaway”
Have you ever wanted to experience deep and glorious truths in God's Word―from Genesis to Revelation―as if you were actually there?!!! SkyWatchTV is proud to present “The Glimpses of Glory Giveaway”! When you order Carl Gallup’s groundbreaking book “Glimpses of Glory” and Rabbi Zev Porat’s new book “Unmasking the Chaldean Spirit” from the SkyWatchTV store, you’ll also receive the “The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the Identity of Messiah”, the book that Pat Boone himself personally shared with Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu!

In this incredibly unique book “Glimpses of Glory” from longtime pastor, media personality, and internationally acclaimed bestselling author Carl Gallups― God’s love for you will come alive as you walk directly into the Garden of Eden - where Adam and Eve encountered the great tempter! You'll be placed inside the ark, experiencing the horror of Noah's family as they heard the agonized cries of their neighbors, struggling in vain to survive the deluge. And the anguish of our Savior will explode into intense reality as you witness His struggle with human emotion on the night He was betrayed. But that's just the beginning! In “Glimpses of Glory” you will:
• Accompany Joseph and Mary on the arduous journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem's "manger"... and beyond! 
• Be present at the working of Jesus' miracles, His baptism, and labor during the wilderness temptation!
• Stand in shock at the foot of the cross, linger at the death bed of John the disciple, and witness his entrance into final glory!… AND SO MUCH MORE!
Also, included in this amazing offer, Rabbi Zev Porat’s shocking book “Unmasking the Chaldean Spirit” which details his stunning supernatural conversion from a deeply Orthodox Jewish man to faith in Jesus Christ as Messiah as he faced literal demonic manifestations, temptations of great wealth to denounce his faith in Yeshua. Yet, through it all he pressed on, with a glowing zeal for the Word of God and the people of Israel! In this book you will:
• Accompany Messianic Rabbi Porat as he shares striking biblical and archeological discoveries along his path to “Zion”!
• Learn the foundational platform that’s behind the spiritual warfare emanating from Israel since the earliest of humanity’s existence as Zev peels back the Chaldean mask!
• AND uncover the truth about Golgatha and the TRUE archeological location of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem that has been overlooked by many!

But that’s not all, in this must have collection you’ll also receive “The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the Identity of Messiah” where Pastor Carl Gallups tells the story of Israel's most venerated Orthodox Rabbi, Yitzhak Kaduri, who claimed he had met the true, soon-coming Messiah and revealed his identity on a note to be locked away until his death! Month’s later this note was read upon his death revealing JESUS is Messiah which ignited a global spiritual and political firestorm THAT WAS JUST THE BEGINNING!
Sold separately these items hold a retail value over $60, yours now for your donation of only $35.00 plus S/H
So, take a personal journey with the savior from Genesis to Revelation and unmask the evil spirits that oppose our faith! “The Glimpses of Glory Giveaway”, available now at, order now or call 1-844-750-4985!

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