Sarah Palin Election Fraud

1 year ago

And thus it begins. That great theft of the electoral process that all of us with the courage, candor, and intelligence to see the truth knew was coming. The coordinated theft of the elections begins to show.

The angry and violent Left will witness it and say nothing because they will believe that the fraud will bring them a great victory, but in reality it will bring a violent despotism of such brutality and depravity that it would make ancient Babylon blush. And all that tyranny will be brought upon us by that once great United States of America that at one time had tried to help realize God's dream of a paradise on Earth but in its self-serving zeal has instead literally ushered in the Empire of Satan. Even now the wealthiest and well-educated scream for the rest of us (who still believe in God and His Vision of America) they scream for all of us "deplorables" to be burnt at the stake for our "intolerance" and our "bigotry" themselves having long ago passed the point of being able to perceive the great and bitter irony of it all.

The elections are being stolen. Tyrants who literally worship Satan and really do sacrifice children are taking control. If you are still laughing at that brazen fact then you can only be one of three things: a coward; a fool; or a willing accomplice. And none of those three things is forgivable to an American at this point in time where you have been given so much and should know so much better than that certainly by now.

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