Rise of the Black Dragon (part 1 and 2) - MW5 - PCA episode 57

1 year ago

Rise of the Black Dragon
Recommended Reputation: 8
Mission Types: Defense, Warzone, Assassination
Employer: Draconis Combine
Payout: 1,390,700
Reputation Reward: 680
Additional Rewards: LRM-20, LRM Ammo x5, PPC
DLC: Heroes of the Inner Sphere

Mission 1
Planet: Atlenmarkt, Lower-Class Kuritan Worlds
House Kurita vs The Black Dragon (bandits)
Tonnage Limit: 270
Difficulty: 58
Mission Type: Defense
Biome: Sulfurous, Dawn

Mission 2
Planet: Maule, Lower-Class Kuritan Worlds
House Kurita vs The Black Dragon (bandits)
Tonnage Limit: 270
Difficulty: 58
Mission Type: Warzone
Biome: Volcanic, Night

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