Body cam shows Police shooting man believed to be armed with gun. Jermaine Petite LAPD bodycam shoot

1 year ago

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Los Angeles, California - On July 18, 2022, at around 7:20 p.m., LAPD received an “Assault with a Deadly Weapon” radio call. The 911 caller advised that the suspect was armed with a black, semi-automatic handgun. Uniformed personnel observed the suspect matching the description listed in the comments of the radio call, walking on the north sidewalk of Martin Luther King Boulevard, just east of Bronson Avenue. Officers made contact with the suspect, who they believed was in possession of a handgun. The suspect refused to respond to officer’s verbal commands. As a uniformed supervisor arrived at scene, he also believed that the suspect was armed with a handgun. As the suspect walked away from the officers, he turned multiple times in their direction and pointed a black metallic object believed to be a firearm, which resulted in an Officer-Involved-Shooting (OIS). The suspect was struck by gunfire and taken into custody.

Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) paramedics responded to the scene and transported the suspect to a local hospital where he was listed in serious condition.

The suspect was later identified as 39-year-old Jermaine Petite, a resident of Los Angeles. No officers, victims, or bystanders were injured during this incident.

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