The NWO Mafia of the Powerful Bankers - Catherine Austin Fitts

2 years ago

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Filmmaker Robert Cibis interviews the former [US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development] and investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts about the mechanisms of the interplay between politics and finances. She reveals how massive systemic corruption leads to the replacement of democracy with orders and control, subtly at first and obviously in the corona crisis. Finally, the two discuss the simple stance that can be taken to minimise further damage.

Catherine Fitts website --->

Interview by Oval Media - donate --->

Mafia of the Powerful - Catherine Austin Fitts - synopsis by Rogersings

Money is a tool, part of an incentive system used by the Government and Corporations to motivate people to do things the Government wants ... But the new Digital Currency will CONTROL people at a very personal level, requiring them to do what the Government wants ... or ELSE!

The Financial Coup toward TOTAL Central Banks CONTROL control began in 1997 when the Government accounting regulations changed the way the Federal Departments had to account for the money they spent. The Central Banks started taking money allocated to Federal Departments and sending it into investments overseas and the Federal Departments didn't have to account for the MISSING money. Think of it like Disneyland, the Central Banks print the money and control the spending of it hidden from the taxpayers (Disneyland below ground) while giving reports to Congress that America is getting MAGA stronger (Disneyland above ground).

The CIA and Bankers main way to fuel the prosperity of the West over the years has been to build up the Military Industrial Complex to fight unjustified wars, doing EVIL while they tell the Americans that we are the "good guys" saving Democracy ... but this method has run its COURSE on running over nations, now that Alternate media sources have EXPOSED this LIE.

Fitts was writing about the Government's missing money of $2.3 Trillion and was supposed to publish it on 9/13/2011 ... but then on 9/11/2001 the World Trade Center building was demolished (Controlled Demolition by the CIA and Bankers) where all the Financial records were held and the Pentagon office that was hit (by a missile not a plan) was the office that was doing the investigation of the missing money. Catherine went ahead and published an article that Bush and the Government perpetrated the 9/11 event to hide their money theft but at the same time the CIA “psyops” Government said Bush was the Chosen hero to lead America out of this Crisis.

The Government is stealing America 's retirement money. The Dept of Defense is missing $20 Trillion and HUD is missing $750,000. So in 2018 Trump and Congress agreed to HIDE the Financial records from the public by calling them "Classified" or "Secret". The amount of missing money may be $96 Trillion!

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board FASAB 56 --->

The G7 nations oversee the Financial system between the Elected Officials who allocate the Tax Money and the Private/Central Banks who provide the monetary funds ... and they put everything under the Central Bankers to control everything. The CBDC will de-link the US currency, NATO military and the US Electoral Governance into a SEG Global Governance. The Bankers have also stolen all the US Government Social Security retirement money ... so the Government can't pay this anymore.

"Mr Global" has to come up with a way to SOLVE this problem without the hard working middle-class who PAID into the system from blaming the Government and the Bankers! Previously Mr Global stole the resources of the 3rd world to pay for the lifestyle of the 1st world people but this needs to change because 3rd nations are becoming wise to the abuse by the US currency and are becoming prosperous on their own currencies.

So you need a STORY for why ALL the promises the US government made can't be met to pay the retirement of it's citizens and you need a Global currency of trade agreeable to the nations. This is where Global CBDC steps in ... it takes away the control of the dollar and the US electoral governance control and makes a CBDC controlled by Global SEG under AI - Antichrist Intelligence – Science!

So Trump's signature in 2018 on FASAB 56 was the green light that made Government Finances "hidden" from the public ... then the G7, the Federal Reserve and Blackrock met and agreed to a Financial Reset plan ... the Central Bankers take control of the Treasury and the Fed goes into a Repo Market to take down of the Economy. They shutdown the small business to send the commerce to the BIG public traded corporations, where online AI can be used to monitor the buying and selling.

This also makes the "data" the new oil of commerce ... because knowing what people are buying online, when, where and why is VALUABLE to the seller. It's a WAR on small business but instead of KILLING them, you BANKRUPT them.

This meeting in Jackson Hole with the Bankers occurred August 22, 2019 and the first case of Corona virus was announced in Dec 2019 ... to begin the PLAN-DEMIC take down of the Old World Order.

The Central Banks inject money into the Market to make it go up temporarily and put the small business into debt with loans ... It's a slow kill. It's the Financial equivilent of dropping several nuclear bombs. The pain of economic collapse is paving the way for the CBDC CONTROL which is promised to provide economic stability but eliminate individual sovereignty ... and the Technology is allowing this system. It's a non-sympathic AI system of SLAVERY!

With a growing population in the East how can you provide the prosperity of the West? This would require transparency and risk of loosing control and the Zionist $$$ CONTROLLERS don't want to take this risk ... they don't want a change in leadership. So the Zionist Bankers are removing the West from the FACE of the CONTROL to a Global Governance, to appease BRICS and moving to Digital CONTOL over the planet which is a WIN-WIN for the Zionist Bankers.

It will be like the CCP Social Credit system but it will be a Global Social Credit system, CONTROLLING the whole world, which is the end of human liberty in the West.
The Blockchain crypto currency will be CONTROLLED by the Global CBDC, Total control of life on planet earth and Blackrock is the one who made up this plan.

Mr Global sees more and more people but they are becoming less and less profitable for him ... so he has decided to eliminate the useless eaters!

Mr Global doesn't want anyone collaborating and sharing data to improve business but he only wants to benefit "his Muppets". Mr Global wants to CONTROL the market and CONTROL the data about the market. This began back when the Government CONTRACTED out their Data Centers and now they have moved them into the Amazon CLOUD. The CIA and Federal Reserve run the Government NOT the president, this was proved by the assassination of John Kennedy.

The National Security State, the CIA Intelligence uses the Federal Reserve money to achieve their objective. CIA does the deal to contract with Amazon for Data service and Bezos buys interest in the Washington Post ... so the media is part of the Global Mafia family. ALL of these BIG Corporations Dance with the Devil of the Mafia Family so they can make a peice of the profit.

It's a small group of people that are orchestrating this Digital Prison Plant NWO system and we can defeat it if we STOP using CARDs and start using CASH! We need to stop COMPLYING with the Digital Data that will turn us into Digital SLAVES!

But simply NOT complying is NOT going to STOP this Financial Reset because ALL the retirement money in Blackrock has been promised toward this NWO CBDC deal, this is the 401K money of the American people. If Blackrock and Wall Street start to TANK the funds, then the people will BEG for a Solution ... the Global CBDC NWO solution!

Some Financial experts are saying that CBDC is Dead on Arrival because people see the Tyranny of a Global Central Bank and they don't want it ... but if the Government and Banks collude together with incentives like UBI and a guarantee Return on their investment if you use CONTROLLABLE CBDC currency, then I think a majority of people will move TAKE it, like they took the JAB!

Holy Smokes! Is This The Antichrist Covenant!? | LIVE with Tom Hughes & John Haller --->

Things are getting worse day by day ... It's a controlled demolition of the Western society to bring in the Global NWO Reset.  Energy prices are doubling and food prices are going up ... it's a contrived economic CHAOS to cause people to look to the Government for their NWO solution!

Scamdemic’s “supernatural amount of coordination” can only be “a SATANIC attack on humanity” (Naomi Wolf) --->

Jesus Christ is the answer. We need to turn to Him for salvation. Only through Him can we pray to God for protection. We also must confess to God our personal and national sins and repent. Perhaps God will grant us deliverance from these demonically-controlled Globalists.

God does not need a single man — politician or otherwise — to deliver us from evil. He can easily do it alone. Pharaoh and Egypt learned this the hard way.

We are utterly dependent on God, and regarding His people, God truly helps those who cannot help themselves.

Visualized: The State of Central Bank Digital Currencies --->

Pope Instructs ALL Vatican Entities to Move all Funds to Vatican Bank Before September 30 --->

The Psychology of Totalitarianism - From rationalism to mass formation - and towards Truth speech. Mattias Desmet --->

Banks, crypto lobby clash with lawmakers over Fed digital dollar --->
Digital Herding into the Beast System/ Hugo Talks --->

Monitoring you 24x7 ... a system that will sink like the Titanic and drag you down with it! They make it fun, with a wheel of fortune (really misfortune) to see how much Government rebate you get.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag -->
A - Admit your a sinner   (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name    (Romans 10:13)

With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!

Do you WANT to Know the TRUTH about what is going on in the world? This world and humanity is FALLEN and UNDER the CURSE of SIN. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for you and for His Kingdom COME ... God doesn't want you to PERISH in SIN but to live in Christ and be BORN AGAIN! Listen to the Living word of God from the BOOK of John NKJV --->

Blessings to the Family of God - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings

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