Cry like a Crow. I got a Tale to Tell.

2 years ago

Cry like a Crow. I got a Tale to Tell.

A retired police officer recently came on social media to warn about twist ties found on car doors. Saying that traffickers mark the car of a potential victim using twist ties. He came out to warn the public. He forgot to mention about the Stickers. 🦋 Montreal, Quebec ⚜️

Part 2: Stickers 🟠⚪️⚫️🔴

August 29-30, 2022
I was preparing for meeting #43
but the Crow had something to say to me.

#globalnewsmontreal #globalnewsto #Stickers
#tvanouvelle #montrealgazette #citynewsmontreal #cjad800 #lejournaldemontreal #GlobalNews #RebelNews #mtlblog #Justice #Montreal #Quebec #LavalPolice #MontrealPolice #freemasonry #iluminati #OntarioPolice #parentalalienation #Missing #Father #Daughter #Bixi #IGAgrocerystore #STMinfo #MonsterEnergyDrinks #CKOI

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