How to remove Navel stone.

2 years ago

What Is a Navel Stone?
A navel stone is sometimes called an omphalolith or umbolith. It is a condition where substances like sebum, or skin oil, hair, dead skin cells, and dirt can accumulate and form a hardball. The stone is usually a dark color and firm to the touch. They may resemble a large blackhead in the opening of the navel.
Some navel stones protrude and are easy to see. Others are deep inside the navel. You might not know one is forming. They develop over a long period of time. It can take years for a navel stone to become so large that you can feel it or see it.
What Is a Navel Stone?
A navel stone is sometimes called an omphalolith or umbolith. It is a condition where substances like sebum, or skin oil, hair, dead skin cells, and dirt can accumulate and form a hardball. The stone is usually a dark color and firm to the touch. They may resemble a large blackhead in the opening of the navel.
Some navel stones protrude and are easy to see. Others are deep inside the navel. You might not know one is forming. They develop over a long period of time. It can take years for a navel stone to become so large that you can feel it or see it.
What Causes Navel Stones?
Your navel, or belly button, is the small round spot on your lower abdomen that marks where the umbilical cord was attached before you were born. Navels can be concave (an “innie”) or protrude slightly (an “outie”).‌‌

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