Need to Know News (31 August 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

1 year ago

Russia has taken the nuclear power plant off the Ukrainian grid, which means they are going to face a long, cold winter ahead. One European nation after another is already suffering from the stupendous stupidity of the sanctions they imposed upon Russia, which are massively backfiring upon them. Members of the UK Parliament and of the US Congress have declared that, if radiation contamination were to spread across NATO nations, that would trigger Article 5, which is the mutual defense compact. But the outcome would be a military disaster for the West--and it would be most unwise to take that final step. The DOJ appears to be ramping up its absurd charges against Donald J. Trump over documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where I am predicting they are going to go all the way on this and do their best to indict and discredit the former President. It's not going to work, but not for lack of trying. And someone (guess who?) wants to kill Marjorie Taylor Greene, with the third SWATTING event to which she has been subjected in the last six months, two on consecutive days. If she had held her gun in her hand when she stepped on her own porch, she would be dead already. Devastating polls show the GOP with a nation-wide genetic lead of +2 but an enthusiasm lead of +7, which suggests a massive turnout at the polls in November. While Fauci is stepping down, it appears to be because he has become politically toxic and seriously damaging to the Biden admin's agenda, for which they have had to give him the boot. And 4.9 million illegal migrants have crossed the border in Biden's first 18 months in office, which is roughly equivalent to the population of Ireland. California is taking the lead in requiring electric-only vehicles by 2035, but their disadvantages will have shown the public that this is not a viable option long before and the green movement is going to crash and burn long before.

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