Springfield Armory Prodigy Review EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW

2 years ago

Springfield Armory Prodigy Review EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW

That's right we have everything you need to know about the NEW Springfield Armory Prodigy. It is a 2011-style pistol that takes STI magazines but hasn't been compatible with STI frames (that we have tried) so far. The pistol comes with optics cut with the Agency Optic System (AOS) from Agency Arms. The plates are available from Springfield Armory's online store, there will be plates for every popular optic within the next month or two. The SA mags for the Prodigy will only cost 60 also available on the SA website store. This gun has been reliable, fun, fast, and accurate out to 200 yards. The pistol in the video has over 1,700 rounds shot through it with no issues.


00:00 We are funny
00:47 Cinematic Intro
01:44 Review Start
02:18 Features & Controls
03:42 Optics Plate Info
04:33 Features & Controls Continued
06:14 Trigger Test
06:48 This Slide is SMOOOOOOTH
7:20 The Rate of Fire = FAST!
08:39 Prodigy Compared To STI
12:11 Accuracy And Shooting At Distance
12:46 Closing Thoughts

(gun spot dot come)
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