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Luke 15:11-32 “God’s Heart Revealed”

2 years ago

In that culture the oldest son would receive 2/3 of the inheritance…that included any money, livestock, property, etc.
So, the youngest son is asking his father for his share of the inheritance which would be 1/3…
Please take note that the father does not try and talk him out of this the way we would if our child was making a potentially disastrous decision…
He just gives him his share of the inheritance.
The father in this parable is a picture of God the Father…and His heart toward His children.
Some see God as the “Big Guy” in heaven…others as a doting grandfather giving in to our every whim…
Still others see Him as cruel and unapproachable…but with this one parable Jesus dispels all those notions of what His Father is like.


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