☆Probability in the Multiverse☆ What can happen, will happen☆

2 years ago

Astrology affects probability, there is no set result. Just how the planets interact with your chances of certain things succeeding or failing. You still have free will, however you may be more successful if you choose to do things at a certain time. Another version of you may attempt the same thing, but at a different time, and have a completely different result. Imagine reality like a tree that branches out for eternity. Each branch is its own reality within the infinite reality. Each choice we make is a branch on the tree. But the tree already exists, we just choose which path our consciousness follows. Every choice ever made since the creation of the multiverse is contained on this tree. Growing infinitely more complex as it grows. But infinite does not always mean undefined. Yes we make decisions constantly shaping our reality, but no matter how hard you will it, your not going to be suddenly living on the moon in a habitable environment. Somethings just can't and don't happen. Only what can happen, happens. But if it can happen, it does happen. Even if it's on the tiniest branch of reality. Astrology is something that helps give the tree shape. It's like the sun pulling the branches to the south to reach more sunlight. Many realities flow through this branch, or similarly pulled by the light of the sun. Perhaps a strong breeze from the east(traversing planets) pushes the branches to the west to shape those path that those realities take.  The primary essence of the universe is a paradoxical field of infinite possibilities. It is both, and neither real or unreal. It is and is not, limitless potential undefined by perception. This field of quantum uncertainties is the underlying core presiding through all that is , was, or ever could be. For lack of a better word, what is referred to a “God" by the religious community , simultaneously is and is not. This state of limitless potential is the most pure state of existence and is the state quantum singularity that the universe exploded out into during the big bangn where all possibilities exist simultaneously. It is act of perceiving that gives it a defined position . in its most pure form, what we identify as” god", of the creator, exists only as potential. It is neither male nor female but the quantum soup of possibility. Merely kinetic energy of all possibilities

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