1 year ago

Bananas contain potassium to prevent muscle cramps and carbs to keep you going during a strenuous workout. Two bananas provide enough energy for a 90-minute workout, which may come as a surprise to some.
Natural sugars such as sucrose and fructose can be found in bananas. About 20 per cent of your daily vitamin B6 needs are found in a single banana. Your body will be able to manufacture the necessary insulin, haemoglobin, and amino acids, all of which are essential for the growth of healthy cells, as a result.
- Bananas are easy to digest and do not cause any discomfort in the digestive system. It is impossible to digest the resistant starch in bananas, so it ends up in the big intestine where it feeds beneficial bacteria.

Bananas are high in iron, which helps the body produce more haemoglobin. Increasing the number of red blood cells in your blood helps your body's circulation.

On average, a banana has 27 mg of magnesium in each piece. Magnesium aids in the healthy functioning of your heart, muscles, and immune system.

Diets in the Western world tend to be high in salt and low in potassium. Bananas, on the other hand, are high in potassium and low in sum, making them healthy for your heart.

- Bananas have a lot of fibre, which makes you want to eat less after eating one. To keep you from overeating, bananas also contain a type of starch known as fructooligosaccharides (FOS). It lowers blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity.

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