Family Court Judge & The case Of Hemel Hempstead.

2 years ago

Time to investigate every "Act" committed to take, harm, abuse, & kill children. I used to say is there any Justice in the world after following this case of Hemel Hempstead, to see this case get thrown out of court, for lack of evidence, was shocking. I have only recently had my faith restored, since meeting the Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Judge :Mark-kishon :Christopher.
For anyone that has not seen the Interviews of the children of Hemel Hempstead, please be aware the police interviews, are very graphic, of 2 young children speaking of a life they lived in a Satanic cult, and it is very clear to see, this is a case covered by the authorities involved.

Here is the information in their words.
Thanks for watching
:Matthew & :Janine

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