Lessons from Harav Avigdor Miller ztl part 14

1 year ago

This video was originally made around the time when the Sar Hatorah Harav Chaim Kanievsky ztl and Harav Grainom Lazewnik ztl passed away.
Today's lessons are from (1) Sichos Yisroel Parashas Vayigash 5782 Understanding and relating to suffering
(2) Toras Avigdor Parshat Vayechi 5782 year 5 issue 16 The function of regret; questions and answers abouts fights and divorces and marriage counselors
(3) Miracles Everywhere pocketful of simcha page 21-27
(4) Simcha Minute 2 pocketful of simcha page 34-38
Originally downloaded in YouTube Mar 23, 2022

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