Afghanistan 1 Year Later - Digital ID - Bureaucrat Raises

1 year ago

Remembering Biden's Afghanistan failure one year later

It has been one year since President Biden’s botched plan that allowed the Taliban to take control of Afghanistan.

President Biden withdrew U.S. troops from Afghanistan without concrete plans to protect Americans and our Afghan partners or prevent the Taliban from taking over the country – resulting in a shameful disaster.

On this day a year ago, the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan was forced to evacuate after the Taliban seized the nation’s capital, Kabul.

Situation Of Women And Girls In Afghanistan

One year after the Taliban took over Afghanistan, women and girls have been effectively removed from the Afghani public life. On August 15, 2021, the Taliban entered Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, and took control of the country. While initially, the Taliban promised that women would be able to “exercise their rights within Sharia law”, including being able to work and study, these promises were merely empty words and the women and girls began to disappear from the public square.

As Angelina Jolie emphasized, “Overnight, 14 million Afghan women and girls lost their right to go to high school or university, their right to work, and their freedom of movement.”

Pakistani political ‘hecklers’ threatened with blocked biometric ID, bank accounts

Pakistan’s Interior Minister has warned that supporters of recently-ousted prime minister Imran Khan and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party whose behavior can be considered heckling or harassment will have their biometric identity cards blocked and therefore be unable to operate their bank accounts, reports The Nation.

Trudeau, WEF “Digital ID For Travelers” Brings Social Credit To Canada

The Liberal government of Canada and World Economic Forum (WEF) are collaborating on a Digital ID project to introduce a social credit system for Canadian travellers.

According to The CounterSignal, the World Economic Forum’s “Known Traveller Digital Identity” program is based on a digital identity that allows governments to confirm proof of citizenship and other elements of identity.

“Every time a government checks a person’s Digital ID, it is added to their record, possibly affecting their standing.”

Trudeau’s digital ID is coming and it’s coming for you

More than 500,000 government employees received pay raises during pandemic

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