Every Card Larger than Infinaut?! | Cerebro 6 Deck Guide Marvel Snap

2 years ago

The final Cerebro decklist we'll cover at least for a while is Cerebro 6's and it's incredible.

Gaining access to Onslaught this list is able to generate enormous buffs for it's most powerful cards, and even when the perfect combo falls apart then we have enough powerful options to still stay in our matches. The core of Cerebro, Mystique, Iron Man, Magik stay the same, but then we have to get a little creative to play a full list of 6 power cards around them. The Hood, Bucky Barnes, and Carnage give us some early curve burst and after that we just need to find a way to buff them. Watch along with this guide to see how to build the decklist and how to play it to win at Infinite rank here in Marvel Snap.

1 - The Hood
2 - Bucky Barnes, Carnage
3 - Cerebro, Mystique, The Punisher, Groot
4 - The Thing, White Queen
5 - Iron Man, Magik
6 - Onslaught

0:00 - Decklist Breakdown
3:59 - Game 1 (VS Sera)
7:17 - Game 2 (VS Lockjaw Negative)
10:24 - Game 3 (The Perfect Combo)

#marvelsnap, #deckguide, #cerebro

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