Spiritual Story of The 3 Little Pigs.

1 year ago

Let me tell you the story spiritually of the 3 little Pigs. The first pig was not aware of anything that was happening in the world because the first pig did not care about anything but himself and his selfish needs.

He was dripping in ego and would not listen to the warnings that his older brother was trying to tell him that the wolf was planning on destroying his life because he was always following status quo.

He built a straw house and he did not listen to those around him warning him that his foundation was too weak and would not withstand the storm that was coming.

And sure enough the wolf came in sheep's clothing as an Antichrist of Science, Leaders of the Earth(Presidents) and knocked his straw house down. He was left with no protection from the wolves.It all fell apart by the Seams and came crashing down by the choices the little pig made.

The second pig was somewhat awake, but Fake Woke , they had all the intention of light love and the Law of One and working together but did not have Jesus in their life , the pig built his house of wood thinking that the foundation that they have listened to would hold up to the attacks of the enemy (fallen angels) and they would not be subjected to attacks all around them anymore because would be protected safe and sound.

He listened to the wolf in sheep's clothing disguised this time as Galactic Federation of Light and Q. False Light.

The wolf huffed and puffed and blew his house down and he was not protected by the divine light and was falsely given hope of a perfect foundation and it was ripped underneath his feet because he did not have Jesus.

Now the third pig was fully awake and knew Jesus and had everything he needed to be prepared between the battle between him and the wolf, always being three steps ahead and could see that the sheep was a wolf in disguise.

He had power of discernment and have built the strongest foundation that could never be destroyed or taken down because he could see through the darkness trying to hide in the light.

He laughed at the wolf as he knew since he did have Jesus and helped him build his foundation with Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding that no harm would come to him.

Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

I Am Truth Wisdom Justice⚖️
I Am Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army🗡️⚡🔥😇🎺

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