The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 244 - doing ...

1 year ago

In this video i want to talk again about the connections between FAITH, HEARING and DOING the Words Of Jesus Christ! This is incredibly IMPORTANT! The purpose of this video is to ENCOURAGE all who are listening to DO whatever they can for God while there is still an OPPORTUNITY! Soon that TIME of OPPORTUNITY will be gone. Here we are in the very last days of history for this DARK age and there are many, many people preaching a false gospel based on FAITH ONLY! In other words, you don’t have to do anything except believe in your head that Jesus died for you, that your sins are forgiven because you said a RITUAL formula prayer accepting Jesus into your heart and that no matter WHAT you do or DON’T DO you will be saved in the end. This teaching is a LIE from Satan and a horrible distortion of what the Bible teaches. It has led untold millions to Hell over the last 5 centuries. Church leaders have been preaching false gospels based on this Lie for centuries now so that people today don’t KNOW what the simple TRUTH is. These Masonic preachers were taught these Lies in Jesuit run Theological Seminaries and do not know how to rightly divide the Word of Truth. They cherry pick scriptures that appear to support their teachings instead of using the whole Word of God and expounding it exegetically. The separation of Faith and Works by Jesuitical doctrine and the vital necessity of both to salvation is so important that i feel the need to keep returning to it. Many people will get this wrong and perish eternally. Does God CARE about WHAT you BELIEVE and DO? You bet he does! Both HEARING and DOING produce FAITH and FAITH in turn then increases our HEARING and DOING! It is this cycle in a believer’s life that ultimately saves him/her!

Learn more at:

How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 254 Videos

New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series - Nine Pages 256 Videos

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