Betrayed. (Matthew 26:47-56)

2 years ago

It's a catchy title but it isn't much to what we are really hearing. JESUS knows this is going to happen, HE'S so over it that He calls the guy who hands him over to be killed, "Friend". Think about that for a minute. I mean really think about it. It's so Known to HIM that is it written out all throughout the Old Testament - TaNaK that HE has no fear, JESUS has absolute faith in The FATHER. HE has no fear because HE has to much trust to fear.

Yeah I already hear it, "But He's God, I'm not."
I could be as bit a pain and point to where HE says greater things we will do; but! What's way more fun: When we release it to HIM then we can be in that kind of place, we can can be at a place where HIS rest is so deep and so pure that even in a place of agony we can find peace. This is easier yes when only one of the three is out of alignment. Mind (emotions/thinking) Body (physical places) Soul (don't think greek, think muchness/Nefesh) When all three are twisted in a place of pain it is an agony most cannot fathom or understand and yet we all understand completely if we were made for something better. We may not understand it to each others level, not without sharing story and self, we do understand what it is to have nothing left to give and even more expected out of you. This is not a place to camp, this is a dead valley that will consume you if you stay to long. The thing to do in this place is to rejoice and praise.

"How the hell do I rejoice when my entire world is falling apart?!?!" By remembering the answer GOD gave Job: "Do you even fathom all that I do, do you understand how I work, the cosmos how they spin, how life comes to be, even what you are made of?" Do you really know HIS ways? Do we know what HE is working from the hurt? Does the clay know the shape the potter is turning it into? This is where faith comes in, not blind faith (that's not in the bible anyway) reason faith. GOD has been consistent, these are the places HE met me, these are the times HE saved my ass from the fire, these are the places where HE showed how HE loves me. HE is the same, yesterday, today and forever, and so HE shall be again. So I will take the situation I am in now, take the present I have and look at it not through the eyes of my pain or my suffering, not through the eyes of my loss or the hopeless ness. I will take it and look at it again with eyes that are opened, opened to the fact that HE has always been and always will Jehovah Jireh The LORD who Sees-To-It. That's all this is. Faith. Logical, deep, childlike faith. Nothing more or less than all of us and all of HIM; as any relationship that's going to work has to be.

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