$rdbx S&P confirms the FF. Ortex's SECOND tweet thread as per the UNBELIEVABLY HIGH SI% in 2 days!

2 years ago

Ortex Tweet Thread #2 Regarding FF size; https://twitter.com/ORTEX/status/1534763976482992130

Ortex Tweet Thread #1 Regarding FF size / shares locked / warrants locked;

A high CTB makes short positions very expensive to maintain, so if the stock starts rising the #ShortSeller starts losing money from price increase while also paying high fees. They may buy to cover to cut losses, contributing to a #ShortSqueeze.

Forbes intervew with GOLDMAN SACHS crowning $gme as the 16th company in 11 years to have SI% over 100 (redbox would be the 17th, in 12 years)


$amc $dwac $indo $ater $bbig $muln $sprt $sndl $husa $kodk $tlry

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