💠Earth Liberation Update for Tue. November 23, 2021

2 years ago

ℹ️ This is the live, where Elena Danaan & Commander Thor Han visited the Consciousness War. The current view count on Telegram is currently 28,800 views est.

💠Earth Liberation Update for Tue. November 23, 2021: Alex Collier is very optimistic about a fast approaching Liberation

✅JP new insider comes forward. Dr. Michael Salla has know him secretly sine 2008

✅Lin Wood Cabal smear campaign?
Kyle Rittenhouse a PSYOP?

✅What is Q? Who was really behind the The Great Awakening operation?

✅ Courage & Bravery

✅Alex Collier new immense optimism

✅Any other topics that comes to mind

✅ Roundtable discussion about current events

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