Dr. Lana Morrow On Peak Brain Performance, Neuroplasticity and THINK Interfaces

2 years ago

In this interview, neuroscientist Dr. Lana Morrow and Lance Schuttler discuss THINK Interfaces and the science that supports what THINK does in regards to neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, cognition and the brain.

Dr. Lana Morrow is the Founder and CEO of THINK Interfaces.

THINK has been used successfully on humans from many different walks of life and sports teams whose players are prone to concussions (football, hockey, soccer, etc.) have especially benefitted.

Individuals or teams can contact Dr. Lana at www.ThinkInterfaces.com and by email at drmorrowteam@thinkinterfaces.com

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelors degree in Health Science and is the owner and CEO of Ascent Nutrition, a unique holistic nutrition company that offers unique and effective nutritional supplements and clean, organic, mold and mycotoxin-free coffee.

🌿Ascent Nutrition☕: https://bit.ly/3z21lwW

Additionally, his work includes the topics of regenerative agriculture, resource-based economies and quantum technologies.

He is also a Contributing Health and Wellness Writer at The Epoch Times.

You can follow Lance on social media here ⬇️

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lanceschuttler/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lance.schuttler.17

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnzg8wslh978Cm9RlT_DlYw


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