Voter/Election Fraud Exhibit: Excellent Real-World Overview

1 year ago

This "Georgia Election Fraud Report 2020" demonstrates the fraud tactics employed and the types of analysis required to effectively audit election results. It may be a bit boring to those who snooze during slide shows but compared to many other such reports this overview is relatively short (56:28). Unfortunately, it is representative of the situations in the 2020 swing states and helps draw attention to the imminent downfall of America if the bad actors behind such criminal activity are not held accountable. Is a free and fair election even possible now? In the face of such clear evidence, to deny that such fraud regularly occurs in this day and age would almost seem to be a treasonous act in and of itself.


"Georgia Election Fraud Report 2020"

This clip does not display properly in video above — it has been spliced in:
"Brad Raffensperger says there are 4.7 million votes, not 5 million"


"Senator Ron Wyden Explains Why We Need To Audit The Votes"

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