Thargoid Barnacles & Mic turners Base // Elite Dangerous

1 year ago

There have been reports of graffiti in the stations now in regards to in game current events - lets go on a tour!

Are there more clues in the opening Aftermath sequence in Elite Dangerous - I hope so.. Then of to the Proteus Anaconda site.

The Proteus, also known by its identification code AZB2/H002255/SC-01, was an Anaconda that was used as a secondary exploration craft for the Hesperus, a megaship owned and operated by Azimuth Biochemicals in the early 32nd century. The Proteus had an approximate travel range of 300 light years. When the Hesperus was hijacked by Pharmasapien sleeper agents on July 12, 3113, a small number of Azimuth personnel led by Lieutenant Hugo Kelemen avoided capture long enough to escape aboard the Proteus and continue the Hesperus's expedition.
The ship traveled to Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2, where it discovered Guardian ruins and structure sites, and a cluster of downed Thargoid vessels, the remains of an ancient battle in the Guardian-Thargoid War. The Azimuth scientists and Lieutenant Kelemen converted the Proteus into a makeshift research facility to study the alien technology while they awaited an unlikely rescue, but a disastrous experiment involving a Guardian artefact unleashed a surge of radiation that killed everyone on September 26, 3113. The derelict Proteus was found centuries later on June 11, 3307, after an individual who called himself Salvation asked independent pilots to follow the Hesperus's trail of signal beacons.
#elitedangerous #EliteDangerousGameplay #Elitedangerousoddyssey

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