Conservative Commandos TV - SA & RT - Busler - Vallely - 7-26-22

1 year ago

Michael Busler is a public policy analyst and a Professor of Finance at Stockton University where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Finance and Economics. He has written Op-ed columns in major newspapers for more than 35 years. TOPIC: Summers Is Wrong. Raising Taxes on the Wealthy Will Make Inflation

Major General Paul E. Vallely, served a distinguishing career of 32 years in the Army in many overseas theaters to include Europe and the Pacific Rim Countries as well as two combat tours in Vietnam. He has served on US security assistance missions on civilian-military relations to Europe, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Central America with in-country experience in Indonesia, Columbia, El Salvador, Panama, Honduras and Guatemala. . General Vallely has been a military analyst on television and radio for over ten years. TOPIC: WOKE Capitalism and Corporate Social Justice

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