When mobs call for the false Jesus. (Matthew 27:11-26)

3 years ago

There is a lot here; being silent in the face of criticism that means nothing. After all, it's very clear when someone is trying to get a rise, and falling to that level of things only gets you covered in mud.
That the mob is a deadly thing when lost to itself and that often going along with the trend of the time will lead to death, because how can lasting be found in the temporary. There are questions and thoughts of what blood we will allow on our hands at the time because we'd rather allow our emotions to rule our being rather than taking every thought captive and putting it before HIM.

This pattern is common though; in Exodus with the calf, with water in the desert, with the bronze serpent on the staff, in so many places the mob, the rabble, the crowd that goes along will try to turn attention from HIM and to them. From Real to fake as it gets. Just as here; one Jesus is THE INNOCENT, the other is a guy named Jesus who did it the world's day. Which will you follow? GOD or a golden calf?

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