Walk of orangutan!!!!!!!🚫🙀🙀🙀

1 year ago

It is very rare to see an Orangutan mother with two babies in her arms. Look at her climb and taking good care of the babies.
Orangutan Mum Jazz is on the move with her newborn baby Jim and her daughter's baby Joe in her arms. Climbing the new log climbing frame and holding on to the babies with not just her feet. She puts one of each hand in her mouth to hold on to them making sure they are safe.

Orangutan mum Jazz (30) seems to love the new climbing frame and can't stop climbing. Even with the two babies in her arm, she manages just fine. Holding on to the rope with her hands and feet and the babies on her belly. The babies manage to hold on, but if you look at her foot, Jazz gives extra support. When she gets up a bit higher, she takes Jim's and Joe's hands in her mouth to securely hold on to them. When she's on the top and starts swinging, she again makes sure they are safe with her foot. Balancing sideways on the log. She has a rest in the yellow hammock. You see that Jim is a bit older as he's already much more alert to his surrounding.

Jazz climbs to the new canopy where Jim gives her a kiss. Her daughter's baby is in her arms as well, sometimes she just has it tucked away a bit more. You'll see both babies when she turns around. She tries to have a lie-down, but it can't be comfy, so she gets back up and sits there with the two babies. They are both nursing, so that's a good sign.
Orangutan Mother Jazz (30) from the Dudley zoo became super mum as she's not just looking after her own 4-week-old baby boy Jim, now she's looking after her daughter's newborn baby as well, as her daughter found first-time motherhood a little bit challenging.

When her daughter Sprout gave birth and didn't know what to do, her mum Jazz quickly stepped in to save the day and took on her baby as well.

Jazz is carrying the two babies around with her. Nursing both and giving both love, care and attention. Staff is closely monitoring both babies and both mums.

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The chimps love to kick the doors and the windows before feeding time. Jambo the hairless chimp is running up to the metal door and kicking it with all his power. He doesn't just use one leg, he jumps up to the door with both of his legs kicking it. Everyone gets excited and they want to show off their power and I'm sure they do like the sound of kicking against the metal and the glass making the people jump.
The wide-angle view shows a bit more of the enclosure, but this is still only a small part. They have a big outdoor area and there is a big off view area as well. Unfortunately, they haven't managed yet to put the three separated chimpanzees in the main group yet. When this happens the space will double in size.
Jambo is balancing along the top. Even Coco (57) the oldest animal at Twycross Zoo and Jambos Mother is making herself heard. Hooting away on the rope.
Jambo is still the Alpha male in the group. I'm guessing a lot of that has to do with the females being quite fond of him and helping him when he gets challenged for the role by the younger male Kibali. In this video you'll see him at the end chasing after another chimp that's out of line, but that is rather rare. He is more likely to ignore confrontation if he can.
After dinner everyone is happy and it gets quiet. Coco is having her food and Flynn munching away in front of the window.
Please note: Filmed at different times.
The Orangutan babies from the Twycross Zoo are a joy to watch. When they aren't trolling through the enclosure, they playfighting and today, a game of slapsies. Basuki is pulling his half-sister off the tree trunk. Kayan falls and does a roll. Then the fun of slapsies starts. Too funny!

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