The Conspirators (part 3) and bonus mission - MW5 - PCA episode 55

1 year ago

The Conspirators
Recommended Reputation: 7
Mission Types: Defense, Raid, Demolition, Assassination
Employer: Eyes on Democracy (independent)
Payout: 304,825
Reputation Reward: 2,500
Additional Rewards:
DLC: Heroes of the Inner Sphere

Mission 3
Planet: Bethel - Rashpur-Owens Manufacturing Worlds
Eyes on Democracy (independent) vs House Davion
Tonnage Limit: 310
Difficulty: 65
Mission Type: Demolition
Biome: Arid Canyon, Dawn

bonus mission
Planet: Monhegan - Rashpur-Owens Manufacturing Worlds
St. Ives Compact vs House Liao
Tonnage Limit: 160
Difficulty: 15
Mission Type: warzone
Biome: Forest (winter), Dawn

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