Pakistan floods: Man rescued from a raging river by military helicopter

1 year ago

A man stranded in a raging river in Pakistan was rescued by an army helicopter crew on Sunday.
The area has been hit hard by deadly flooding, caused by heavy monsoon rains.
The incident occurred while the area was being hit hard by deadly flooding that has already left more than 1,000 dead.

On Sunday Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority reported the death toll since the monsoon season began earlier than normal this year – in mid-June – reached 1061 people after new fatalities were reported across multiple provinces.
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Deaths from ‘monster monsoon’ pass 1000 in Pakistan. Bed frames used in rescue operation:
Flood toll tops 800 since June in Pakistan’s ongoing torrential rains:
Early estimates put the damage from Pakistan’s recent deadly floods at more than $10 billion, its planning minister said on August 29, adding the world has an obligation to help the South Asian nation cope with the effects of man-made climate change.

Unprecedented flash floods caused by historic monsoon rains have washed away roads, crops, infrastructure and bridges, killing at least 1,000 people in recent weeks and affecting more than 33 million, over 15% of the country’s 220 million population.

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