Don't let the world corrupt you. (James 1:22-27)

2 years ago

Was running low on time and didn't want to get cut off, because talking about how to let things go is important. It's a place so many struggle, one I used to call home. You are no more your pain than I was my anger. It feels like it, often the pain and the hurt will feel like they are all that is left of the person, spent a life at war, how can you have peace? By stating to look at it different, you do that by asking for eyes to see and ears to hear. Cause HE'S the one who makes us free. We do not. We simply walk in the freedom that HE has bought. So the pain you are dealing with now was dealt with two thousand years ago and if it is already paid for a dealt with, why are you being bound by the emotion of the moment. "So I get rid of all emotion?" That would be a no. All logic and no emotion is no better than no logic and all emotion. Both will get someone dead if we live by our own definition of "good" Right back to Judges, eh, "In those days Israel had no King and everyone did what was right in their own eyes." We have our KING and if HE IS your King, then rejoice and remember what Peter says, "When your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when JESUS Christ (YESHUA Messiah) is revealed." If you've been here with me through Matthew or just have read the Gospels, you know that Simon was who he was before The KING set him free and Peter (Kefa) is who he became after.
"I was one way, now I am another, in the middle was HIM."
The only way we can do this is in a place of trust and release. (There's a reason for the hand lifting in charismatic circles. ^.^)
The pain stops having power when we live under HIS authority. We live free when we live in HIS word, for HIS Kingdom. Seek first The Kingdom and all will be added. Cause it really is a beautiful love letter to all of the broken and a lost (see page 1, all of humanity) that HE will not allow evil to prosper nor darkness to win. Let's dig into this together, really, PM me or put it in the chat, anywhere, because Freedom is far more important than when one stands up or sits down. If it's not relationship, to barrow from Jacob, "'re only fooling yourself." If you can't say amen, say ouch, and open those places to HIM so you can be really healed and made free. Put it down. Not just the event or situation, put all of yourself down before HIM. Die to yourself so you might live. Let the part of you that wants to hurt and wants to hate and wants to be the corrupted image of the world die. Because it was never living to begin with. HE is the cure. To our afflictions, our maladies, our pain and to our living-dead state that cries out, "This isn't living!" You're right, it's not. The only way to live is to let the part of you die so the real you may live. That way even if you are turned off before our KING comes home, you are still very much alive on the day HE IS revealed.

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