Life and Death is in the Tongue. (James 3:1-12)

2 years ago

In a world that says, "Hate that group!" "Fear those people!" "The fault is them!!!" It's easy to get swept up into spewing venom like a pit viper, so easy to go along and be a shifting and ready to strike as a pile of snakes. (The imagery really is on point in the Bible, isn't it?! ^.^)
We are called to live differently. To live a life that lives what we say we believe. When we say we love HIM, then we cannot hate those made in HIS image by HIS own hand. (The enemy doesn't and cannot create life after all.) So why is it then that we will sing praise songs on Sunday and spew hate on Monday (Heck sometimes before even getting out of the parking lot) It's a heartbreaking place to see and more so to be, and we are all in the middle of being learned what it is to be really human so we aren't the broken image that we call human and say is fine.. You know the one. The one that sells the less liked relative up the river to get yours. Forgetting that we are all related. Yep, you didn't sell out grandma, that's good. What about your brother or sister who works three doors down? What about the person who never refills the coffee or sneezes into the open fridge at work. The point here isn't to say, 'feel bad for sucking!' it's to say, 'Let us see where HE will get the glory as we submit our lives to HIM.' We don't need to, nor are we meant to, play the world's way. In truth the wages of sin are death, and the world's way is very much the way of sin. So which will you choose? Life or death? Blessing or curse. Suddenly we are back at the two hills in Torah. The power of life and death is in the tongue, you can see it in any life that has gone through emotional abuse, (Often it's effects are longer lasting and much deeper than physical -both evil that we justify daily) yet we still speak it, with our words, in text or in speech and all to often with our actions. Perhaps it is fitting that talking about showing faith by action comes before this, after all, the action here can easily be seen as submitting the tongue before HIM that we might actually live like we believe and that the worlds coming from us would be a source of life from The Source Of LIFE rather than a pit of tar, hate, and regret. The choice is ours, to do it our way, by our will. Or to pick the "But GOD" option and chase after the one who puts a coma in places where the world puts a period. i.e. The world says, even if it uses the voices of family, "You're worthless!" When GOD says, " , but I died in your place that You might truly live, because you mean so much to ME, so how can you be worthless when you are priceless to ME."

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