Heal Meniscus Tears and Damage with This Treatment

2 years ago

www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic
Is there a fast, easy way to heal a torn meniscus without surgery? Hi, I'm Josh dream body clinic and that's what we're going to talk about today. There just happens to be Mesenchymal stem cells which are the best way to go, in our opinion, to heal the meniscus. We are seeing constantly patients that have had torn meniscus or just dealing with the pain and need that healed. It's not fun to deal with. So, for me, for example, I, six years ago found out being an MRI, but I have multiple terrorism. I have discussed now. It's not fun to deal with. I'd always known that I had any problems, but I just thought it was part of getting older.
I thought it was sort of thing you just tough out until you can't any longer, because that's usually the story. And the United States where I'm from. And unfortunately, it's a tough route to go because it limits mobility and limits mobility and do fewer and fewer things you must think. Do I really want to go on that hike?
I really want to go outside and do that run and you don't want to live that way. So, what I did is that we did an injection of the stem cells directly into my knee. Very quick painless procedure. I mean, I was nervous. I don't like needles and this big deal coming at my knee, just mentally it hurt. I was kind of freaking out.
I really don't sweat. I'm on the table. I'm sweating, I'm worried about it. And then the needle goes in and because of the position of the knee being bent, it just went straight in, did not hurt at all. Didn't even feel the Pope, but like a tiny bit of pressure. And that was in, it's very anticlimactic when it comes down to, we've been dealing with this pain for so long.
And you don't think anything's going to. And this quick little injection was all it took. Now the first week I felt amazed, had all this fluid in there feeling loose, feeling good. And then the second week it started hurting again. Now this doesn't work. This is a terrible idea. What have I done? Then third week it starts feeling good.
Again, fourth week hurt a little bit, but not so bad. It was very back and forth. And what it turns out it's happening is that the mesenchymal stem cells are going to the inflammation, in this case my meniscus was inflamed. In fact, my ACL was too, I had a partial ACL tear, and it was going there and guiding the cellular regeneration.
By putting mesenchymal stem cells there into the joint and we use 50 million, we can get them there and they start guiding the repair process. They start telling everything what to do. They send out what are called exit zones to these single payload delivery systems to send out cytokines chemokine and neurotrophic factors, all these different things that can get in there and guide the repair process like your body healed when you were a little kid, that's what it did.
If you'd like to heal your knee or even just talk about it, you can give us a call any time it's toll free at 833 445 9089 or check out our website, www.dreambody.clinic You can scroll down the homepage. You'll find a new treatment, click on it. Prices are there, information is there, everything you need. I'm Josh, happy to help.

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