The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies

2 years ago

The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies
The Doctors Book of Home Remedies: Thousands
of Tips and Techniques, Anyone Can Use to Heal
Everyday Health Problems
Docs Remedies
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Most books in this category are designed to

help us overcome small ailments.
Things like getting better sleep or getting

rid of a sore tummy.
Yes, there are other books that do give

information about how to look after your own

But none of those books, to my knowledge,

were written by a doctor.
In other words, The Doctor's Book of Home

Survival Remediesis the ONLY book that says

what to do to stay healthy at home ...
that is written by a doctor, Patriot, and

Survival expert.
But what if the clinic is closed and we can't

get our routine medical tests?
There are some ways we can possibly spot

trouble at home.
In The Doctor's Book of Home Survival

Remedies I share with you
Here's just a glimpse of what you'll find in
The Doctor's Book of
Home Survival Remedies:
Most books in this category are designed to

help us overcome small ailments. Things like

getting better sleep or getting rid of a sore


Yes, there are other books that do give

information about how to look after your own

health. But none of those books, to my

knowledge was written by a doctor.

In other words, The Doctor's Book of Home

Survival Remediesis the ONLY book that says

what to do to stay healthy at home ... that

is written by a doctor, Patriot, and Survival

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