NEW YORKERS Appeal to demonic vax site workers to stop the killing 29th Aug

2 years ago

Queens NYZ was our kid vax center target today. It was a unique place in that we had to play the mask game to get past the sentry at the street level to then “sneak” downstairs to the grand hall hosting the vaccine gallery.

Once you watch a bit, you’ll see how we roll. Here’s a confession video of how we dooooooooo it: Decide game time on the plan and method. Go with the flow.

Entering this mausoleum of a vax site, we took great care to wait for the right time to pounce and when the time came, we decided to sneak close and talk to these drug pushers like humans. That ended quickly after they surprisingly exposed them selves as people who don’t give a fuck. We treated them accordingly.

FYI there were zero customers trying to get past us to get the jab.

STORE helps offset cost:

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